Thursday, May 2, 2013

To all my Findlay friends.

Well, here it is. The end of another major chapter in my life. In a couple days I’ll have graduated from the University of Findlay with a Bachelors Degree in Communication. To say that I am looking forward to that day, and have been for three years, is a gross understatement. Like many of my friends, it is a day that we all look forward to with great anticipation. But, at the same time I have come to realize that the end of this experience also means the end of many other things.

In the time I’ve spent at this institution I have had the opportunity and privilege to have met, gotten to know, and work with some pretty amazing people. Before I came here, I had a limited, if not dim view of higher education, but the people I’ve met here changed that. They’ve changed me, for the better. What I will miss most, is seeing them every day, hearing what is going on in their lives, and even in my own limited way, being a part of that.

As a non-traditional student, my college experience was different than most. I went to a couple of different colleges before I came to Findlay, and admittedly, I came here with the intention of simply earning the degree and moving on. No attachments. But that changed when I allowed myself to get to know who was here.

While I wouldn’t trade my life experiences (after all, they are what made me who I am) I must admit, there are times when I’m a bit envious of what opportunities traditional students have, and what experiences they can have. It’s different. I see people involved in sports, organizations, and social experiences in college that I, as an adult learner, cannot partake in. Always a part of, and yet apart from the whole experience. There are so many opportunities available to students to immerse themselves and get involved that it’s just plain stupid to not do so.

But more than any of that, I have been amazed at how talented the people I’ve met are. The students who’ve I’ve known all have amazing abilities and knowledge of what they are doing. They can see an issue, develop solutions, and shepherd projects through to fruition in a way which I never expected to see, let alone be a part of. When they leave here (and some have already) they will have amazing opportunities awaiting them.

To all of you, Sarah Foltz, Travis Rindler, Cat Hill, Lauren Brassfield, Jamie Rogers, Samantha Holman, Colleen Wagner, Andy Wolf, Genna Newman, Emilee Granger, Logan Cooke, Stephanie Shoffner, Katie Baumgart, Sarah Totedo, Hannah Wurm, Lindsey McFadden, Jake Dowling, Devin Marti, Devin Riley, Abbey Nickel and so many others.

All of you have immense talents. One of my most humbling experiences here was that I suddenly found myself surrounded by people who were much superior to me in many aspects. I quickly realized that I could let that get me down, or I could take it, and learn as much as I could from all of you. I am proud to say that I chose the latter and today am all the better for it.

I’d often joke about being older, but what that affords me is the ability to bring a bit of perspective into play and in doing so, I realize that many of you have amazing opportunities awaiting you once you leave here. 

Many of you have already. It won’t be easy, there will be times when you’ll get kicked in the ass, and have to take a hit. But you all have the foundations necessary to take that hit, pull yourself up, learn from it, and move on. Of that, I couldn’t be more certain.

The past three years have been life altering. If I were to look back on where I was three years ago, I realized that is a place I never want to be again. I was brash, arrogant, and full of myself and my own abilities and I was wrong. I have learned so much about myself, and what it takes to be truly successful in the world today, and I credit the institution, but more importantly, the people I’ve met in that time for teaching me that fact. For that I will be forever in your debt.

Well, here it is the end of another chapter, but the beginning of another. A time to reflect, to be sure, but also an opportunity to look ahead as to what the next phase happens to be. I know now, that I am ready for whatever it brings, and for that I owe everything to all of you. You have made me the person I am today, and I am proud of all you.

Thank you all for what you have given me and how you’ve helped me. I’ll never forget it.

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