Monday, May 20, 2013

Life Goals: Maintaining a Bucket List.

It’s important to set goals in life, even if those goals are nothing more than a pipe dream which is always out on the horizon. If you set your goals high, you’ll be able to achieve things which you never could before. At the same time, many of us have things in life that we always want to do. The popular term for such a list of goals is a “Bucket List” which is derived from the film of the same name. It’s easy to wait and see what life will bring you, and then look back in your later years, and assess, but I think that it’s important to set some goals for ourselves at a young age, if for no other reason than to give us something to shoot for.

I have the standard life goals as many others. That is to run a successful business, and meet someone, get married, and raise a family, but these are things that are far out on the horizon and frankly, I’m not all that interested in pursuing them at this stage of my life. Should opportunity present itself, I wouldn’t shirk from it, but right now I’m more focused on getting out and experiencing life.  If I were asked several years ago what might be included on this list, one would be to complete by BA and college. (A goal that I’m proud to say, is complete)

But nevertheless, there are a number of things that I’d like to achieve in the next ten, twenty, thirty, forty, or so years, and I feel it’s necessary to identify goals, both tangible, and lofty in order to have dreams to work towards. So for the next several days, I’ll share with you some of my all-time goals in life, and who knows, perhaps some of you might have the same ones.

We’ll begin here.

·         Own a DeLorean/1946 Ford Convertible/1961 Lincoln Continental Limo

Last year, I wrote that the film Back to the Future was one of my all-time favorite movies. I first saw it when I was young, back in the early 90’s and have enjoyed it ever since. I’ve always wanted to own a DeLorean DMC-12, which was the only car that the company ever produced. I wouldn’t trick it out to look like the time machine from the film, but I’ve always liked the design of the car and other features it has in it. Plus, it would be great for parades.

Back to the Future also features a 1946 Ford Convertible, which was owned and operated by the chief antagonist of the film, Biff Tannon. The car itself is a beast, a black 1946 Ford Super De Luxe convertible. It would, in all likelihood be a gas hog, but it had power and could run forever, or so the theory goes. An overall amazing car. The particular car used in the movie was sold to a private collector in Wisconsin and I was able to find this collector once, who had advertised that it was for sale for $60,000.00. Needless to say, I would have to make a better living were I to drop that kind of money on a car. Still though, I’d love to own a car like that someday.

The final car, a 1961 Lincoln Continental Limo, is particularly rare. I’m not entirely certain they were manufactured for the general public and I would perhaps need to find someone who can modify one. But the 1961 Lincoln was used as the Presidential Limo for many years from the 1960’s onward. Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon all made use of the car. While it was a 61’, it was modified several times, and could pass for a 62’ or 64’ depending on what style you were trying to emulate. It was the car that President Kennedy was riding in that fateful day in Dallas TX, and that particular car is now at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn MI. It would be an amazing car to have, especially for parades.

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