Friday, May 17, 2013

Summer? What Summer?

Well, summer is approaching. In years past, it was traditional to plan for all sorts of things that would take place, given the free time that would exist at this point. For what it’s worth, this year is no different. However, it has the added issues of figuring out what the next step will be.

Like many people, I look at the big picture initially, and can find it to be a bit overwhelming. But after going through that, I find that it’s easier to break things down in the mini sections and work toward achieving small goals. Once done, generally you’ll find that you are able to achieve heights that you were not able to do before, so it’s always a good approach.

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been hitting the gym, almost without stop each morning. I know I began that last year, and didn’t succeed as I planned, but then again, last year, I hadn’t had a plan, really in place before I began. I went in full boar and quickly overwhelmed myself, and what I am able to achieve. This year is different.

So I found several things (elliptical bike, weight lifts, etc.) that I can do in one hour each morning. By working at these things each morning, and gradually, over the course of time, adding anything else as it becomes necessary, I think I might be able to get into a routine that I’m comfortable with.

Honestly, many people do this, and once they achieve small goals, they stop. It’s not a task that needs done, and once done, finished. Rather it’s a lifestyle that you need to develop and work towards. Hopefully, I can do this, but it will take time.

A familiar sight during the summer months.
This summer, I’ll be making progress towards some future career and life goals, whatever they happen to be. I may take a trip but the financing is going to be an issue. In speaking with some of my family members, we may take a fishing trip over a long weekend this summer, but it’s going to depend on how our schedules shake out. I’m also going to keep writing.

I don’t know why, but I’ve always been better able to express myself through writing than through spoken word. Perhaps it’s the freedom to edit, revise, and think things out before committing them publically that makes it that way. I’m not an expert in any size, shape, and form of the word and I would imagine that anyone reading this would be able to find a whole slew of errors, but I could care less. It’s how I look at things.

I’m no authority, nor do I have any illusions to being one, but many times I find myself in situations where I know I didn’t come across as I intended, and when I write, I have the freedom to tailor the message more effectively.

So, what will I write? Mostly reviews of things I’ve seen (movies, books, shows) but also commentary on things going on in my world. (After all, what’s the purpose of a blog?). So we’ll see how that shapes out.

Should be an interesting couple of months (perhaps the way I usually mean it, but perhaps not.) I’m looking forward to it.

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