Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Hardin County Fair Begins Next Week

As I sit here in the studio running the board for the Ohio State game I thought I’d take a moment to let everyone know what is coming up next week. If you live or are from Hardin County, then you are aware of the Hardin County Fair. It’s the premier event in the county each and every year, and if there’s only one thing that Hardin County does well it’s this fair. I suppose the argument could be made that it’s one of the best in the State of Ohio. I certainly think so.

Throughout the entire week, I’ll make a posting on what I see, hear, do, and otherwise keeping you appraised as to how my week will be going at the fair. There’s much to do, but I won’t be out there, saturated in the events as much as I have in the past. School and changes in my work obligations have dictated that my time be spent in other endeavors during the week along with the fair insanity but I’ll do the best I can.

Just to give you a bit of a preview, for many of us, the fair really begins on the day before it officially does, on Monday. Monday is the main setup day, but many of the livestock organizations and other vendors are open and serving while everyone is getting ready so it’s like an extra day.

Highlights this year include the ever popular High school band show, and Fair Kind and Queen Contest. The High School Show Choir Show. Harness racing, a demolition derby on Saturday and the big Truck and Tractor Pull on Sunday.

Of course my interest has always been in the livestock shows. Ever since I was a young kid we would be attending, or participating in the shows. There’s the Hog show, Goats, Poultry, Market Lambs, Steers and dairy and beef feeders, both Junior Fair and Open Class shows. Plus the 4-H Horse & Pony show and the Draft Horse Show, both in the area near the grandstands.

Throughout the week, I’ll be around, sometimes on the air but most times just floating around getting information to pass along to everyone so it should be interesting.

When the week’s over, I am usually spent, but it is, without a doubt, my favorite event each and every year. Some could take it or leave it, but I live for the county fair. Fair’s & Festivals are great to attend because they really are a showcase of what makes a community great. Each year people participate, compete, and just meet for a great time. I always run into friends I haven’t seen in a year or so, and make new ones. Each day is usually exciting, and I can’t wait for it.

So stay tuned next week, and we’ll see what happens.

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