Monday, September 10, 2012

Hardin County Fair 2012: One For The Books

It occurred to me that I didn’t really spend much time during the rest of the week keeping people updated on the fair. It’s my fault really. As the week continues, fatigue begins to set in a bit and you lag and get behind on what’s important. Comes with the territory I suppose.

Emilys and Willies Baskets (Emilys Won and Willie came in third)
At any rate, I found that the remainder of the 2012 Hardin County Fair was a great success. (At least for my money). Rain did roll in on Friday which caused some issues but the rest of the weekend went pretty smooth.

Friday, I arrived at the Fairgrounds around 1pm. Dad was waiting to drive his team of draft horses out on the track and from what I gathered, had been waiting for some time. Around 1:30 or so they called the farm class which was Dad’s class and we went out. At this exact moment, Mother Nature decided to screw with us again and the sky opened up. The rains fell fast. However Dad was able to finish the class and complete. The event was called off after the next class.

Interviewing Ridgemont FFA Advisor Stephane Jolliff
I had to take my turn in the WKTN Booth later that day. I enjoy it but the drawback is that I don’t get to walk around and experience the fair as I normally would. So I ask people to come to the booth and talk about what’s happening, which I did this time. I tried to make it lively, but my boss thought I needed to tone it down a wee bit. He thinks I sound too much like a 60’s DJ sometimes.

With Holly Layman, who was in the Arena this year
We had the ballgame Friday night which was called late in the 4th quarter due to lightning and the lopsided score.

Saturday, I pitched a tent and spend the entire day in the show arena for the Jr. Fair Livestock Sale. Dad and I would take turns announcing for the sale and Will and Emily would record the sale bids and buyers. The day began at 8am and wasn’t finished till 4:30. No breaks, or pauses, and it was great. I enjoy the sale a lot because it is the conclusion for many of the exhibitors and it’s always gratifying to see so many businesses and individuals come out and support the kids.

Sunday, I wasn’t out much as I had to fill in on the Sunday morning show and run board ops for the Cleveland Browns but I made it out at 4:30. While Sunday can suck sometimes, I liked it because it gave me a chance to walk around the fair with my friends and not have to worry about being somewhere for a report or making sure I got a picture. I was able to actually enjoy it.

Will's showing what the end of the fair looks like
People don’t usually realize the kind of hard work that goes into putting something like this on, nor do they realize how great it is to have such a large fair in our county. I’ve been to many fairs and for many counties it’s something they do in addition to other things but it’s not their big thing. In Hardin County, if we do one thing well, it’s the Hardin County Fair. It’s not easy, and there are times when we test each other get on each other’s nerves and might disagree, but we all know that this is a great fair, and we work our hardest to ensure that each and every year it’s as good but preferably better than the last.

I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

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