Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hardin County Fair 2012: Day Two (Long day and not much of it at the fair)

I didn’t spend much time at the fair today for a number of reasons. I was asked to attend a rally at the University of Findlay which featured Ann Romney and write about it for the university newspaper, the Pulse. I was more than happy to do so as I have a column in the paper this year, so it made sense. 

Having said that, the addition of the rally and the fair made the day rather long.

At any rate, the rally ended at 1:30 or so and I high tailed it to Kenton. I was just coming into Dunkirk when I heard on the radio that I would be coming in after 2pm to broadcast while Dennis made his way out to the fair. With around 15 minutes left in the drive at 1:55 you can imagine what was going through my mind. I booked it and made it back a bit after two.

Then, for some odd reason, our computer out at the fair kept going offline and someone needed to be at the station till we were done for the day at 7pm. Bear in mind, at this point I still needed to write and file my column from the mornings events by 3pm, so you can imagine my mindset around 2:30 this afternoon.

At any rate, I finally made it out to the fair around 7:15 and made a point of attending the show choir show and the market lamb show. I didn’t get many pictures today, which kind of bummed me out but there’s always tomorrow.

My family usually works the Hardin County Beef Producers Steak Barn on Wednesday and they did again this year. My dad is the shift leader that day and he usually gets into it with some of the guys as to who gets there early. My sister reported that Dad was the first one on site this morning and didn’t let anyone forget it. Dad has an interesting sense of humor.

For what it’s worth, the high school show choirs who performed put on an excellent show for those in attendance, and it was well attended. Each had their moments to shine. Naturally I’m partial to the Kenton Middle School Dimensions and the Kenton Top 20 and both groups were excellent. So good luck to them both this year.

The market lamb show was well attended as well. Given the heat and humidity of the day it was a bit stifling in the show arena all day and especially tonight but they were able to get through it.

Tomorrow should be better. I hope those who were there had a great time today, and I look forward to seeing them tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

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