Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hardin County Fair 2012: Day Three (Halfway There)

Didn’t spend a lot of time at the fair today due to “technical” issues we were having with the broadcast out there, and they needed someone in the studio. It was just as well as there wasn’t much going on today, unless you’re into harness racing.

Although I did manage to get a pretty neat shot of the harness racing  a couple of years ago.
At any rate, I thought I would take this post to showcase some pictures that we’ve got and posted on the WKTN website over the week.

I always try to get a crowd shot because there's usually a mass of people at some point and I want to get it all in, so I try to find a high spot and shoot down on the crowd. It isn't always easy. The thing that's interesting about this shot is that it was pouring buckets of rain not an hour after it was taken.

The Hardin County Pork Producers built their own barn this year to serve. They moved from their traditional location beside the arena to a spot across from their barns. It's not a bad place and I'll be interested to see how business has been this year.

Bob Fish and his daughter Rachel, two longtime friends. Bob is the fairboard president this year. His wife Chris was named fair honoree for her many years of volunteer work for the fair. It was a shock to many of us when she passed away last year.

Many fairs host these traveling animal shows and they're always fun because you can see something that you normally wouldn't see in Hardin County. This year the show was wild tigers.

This right here is one of my favorite things to do every year. When you walk around the fairgrounds you see moments that are amazing. Sometimes it's a young kid walking an animal, or a baby sleeping or just some people looking at something interesting. Here one of the traveling entertainers is talking with a young kid named Lucas, if I remember correct.

Of course, each year all the royalty of Hardin County Agriculture are out and about at the fair. It's one of the opportunities for young people (mostly women) in the county to get exposure and make a name for themselves. My cousin Sarah, the Hardin County Lamb & Wool Queen is on the far right.

The high school band show is always a highlight on opening day. I try to get the good shots which isn't easy with the equipment I have plus the fact that I know little about photography. But I think I got some decent pictures.

And of course, I would be remiss if I didn't include some from my former high school band.

I saw this in the Arts & Crafts Building this year. For a quilt it's rather impressive, though I'm sure some would beg to differ. I just thought it was interesting.

The next three shots I didn't take which is why they are actually good. Holly Layman, who is working my old job from the show arena this year, and one of my best lifelong friends took these and I thought they were excellent. This is Skyler Lotz and his turkey is sleeping.

At the poultry show, we see an excellent picture of Noah Beach who is competing and Jr. Fairboard members Mackenzie Zembower and Alex Steele

And finally, this is my favorite picture by far this year. When Holly showed me this shot I knew we had something really special. This is Kinsie Klingler and Hannah Hall with Mini Me (Though Holly wanted it to be called Mini Moo.) Sometimes you just know you have a great picture that is front page material, or captures the Fair so well. This is one of those shots.

Tomorrow is Friday, which is a busy day out at the fair. Dad will be out with his horse team most of the day for the Draft Horse show and my mother and sister will be out there most of the day. Friday will also have the antique tractor parade and a concert by Phil Dirt and the Dozers so that should be ok. I’ll also be doing my show in the booth from 3pm to 6:30 before I need to high tail it to the station for the football game. Should be a good day, weather permitting.

 Stay tuned.

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