Monday, June 17, 2013

Personal Bucket List: Visit All US Presidential Libraries.

I’ve made some progress on this one, but naturally, I’d like to make more. I am a student of history, if that wasn’t painfully obvious before, and ever since I was very young I’ve had an interest in Presidential history. I don’t really know why, except that, as the leader of a country the cultural landscape, vision, scope, and identity of that country can be wrapped up in the embodiment of one individual. That is why Presidential terms are given titles such as “Age of Lincoln” or “The Kennedy Years” “Reagonomics” and “Obamacare”. 

Really any of these terms apply for more than the actions of one individual, but still much of what we consider to be culturally relevant can be found in the person who is the President of the United States.

In the last several years, I have visited the Gerald R. Ford Museum in Grand Rapids (his library is located at his alma mater, that place in Ann Arbor) and The Abraham Lincoln Library in Illinois. It’s kind of pathetic, but I’ve never been to the Harding Museum, even though it’s the closest in Marion, nor have I been to any in the state of Ohio (Hays, McKinley). That’s an issue to be sure.

Having said that, there are only a handful of Presidential Libraries which are considered significant enough to be national landmarks. A listing of these can be found here. At any rate, I would like to see what can be found at each of these locations. To tour the museums, see the exhibits, and study the archives would allow me to have a greater understanding of what made these men tick, and why they did what they did. I don’t know if I’ll ever use that knowledge, but for me, it will be a satisfying journey.

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