Sunday, December 1, 2013

Finish the season on a high note. That's all that really matters.

Oh my word. I don’t think I’ve seen a more exciting Michigan game is quite some time, nor as an exciting day of college football. Sure Ohio State should have easily dispatched the Wolverines but in true rivalry fashion did not, and the result was an exciting afternoon. However, while much of the talk this week will surely focus on why or why not Ohio State deserves to be ranked #2 in the nation, it seems to me it would be better to focus on just winning.

So far today, I’ve read a couple of reports that Auburn, after their impressive and incredible win over Alabama should be allowed to jump Ohio State in the rankings because of the strength of their schedule. Theory being, in spite of the fact that Auburn has lost this year, and Ohio State is undefeated, Auburn played tougher teams, and therefore is the superior team. So should be ranked higher.

Undoubtedly, this will be considered by the so-called geniuses who run the computer rankings and the voters but really, who cares? Seems to me that finishing an impressive winning streak, the season undefeated, and a Big Ten Championship would mean much more to the folks in this state. After all, if the BCS wants to have a national championship between a team that is undefeated and a team that has lost this season while they have a contender in 3rd place which is also undefeated, be it on their own head. It would serve nothing other than to illustrate the ineptitude of that system. (All the more reason to bring on the playoff)

And you can bet that the other schools will look for any, ANY excuse to keep Ohio State out of contention, so screw em’. Nothing that team does will change that so why worry about it? Focus on ending the season on a high note. Given the game yesterday, that’s going to be a major challenge in itself. Ohio State’s defense needs to actually show up. Michigan State, while having a limited offense has a solid, strong defense, and to think this will be a walk in the park is just plain stupid.

At the end of the day haters are going to hate. There’s neither rhyme nor reason to it. So why worry about it and get worked up over it? Focus on what’s right in front of you and worry about the future when you’re done with today.


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