Saturday, February 2, 2013

According to the expert, spring is coming.

So, today is Groundhog Day. Not much of a holiday of course, but at least there’s more to it than most. (Seriously, why is Columbus Day still recognized?).

Like some of you, however, at some point today, I’ll take a couple of hours and pop in that classic Bill Murray film of the same name. In the course of a given year, I’ll watch this one perhaps once or twice, but if I do, it’ll most assuredly be on this day.

This morning though, I got to thinking about it. The basic plot, if you’re not familiar is a guy who wakes up each morning reliving the same day again and again. It’s like a curse. Phil Connors (Murray) is destined to relive the same day over and over again. He meets the same people, has the same experiences, and nothing, not even death can help him escape this situation.

I’ve sometimes wondered what that must be like. And what would I do if faced with the same situation. If you have to relive a day again and again, I’ll guarantee you it won’t be a good day, and even if it were, how many times can you relive it before the experience becomes mundane?

Would I take advantage of the situation, as Connors does and try to sleep with all the attractive women in the town? Would I try to learn a new trade, or hobby, like playing the piano? Would I go out of my way to be a complete dick to everyone I meet because, hey, no consequences.

Would it be a pleasant experience, or a nightmare like in Connors case? I really don’t know. What do you think? What would you do?

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