Saturday, April 14, 2012

An attempt at writing a blog.

Well, here it goes.

Whenever something becomes the "it" thing to do, I tend to be one who comes late to the party. I don't know why, but I think it stems from my belief in waiting to see if something becomes a trend before diving into it. Some people in this world openly embrace new changes whatever they may happen to be, while others tend to view trends with a large degree of skepticism. I think I fall somewhere in the middle.

I am also, frankly, the biggest dork you'll ever meet.

Those that know me know that blogging is not exactly something that comes natural to me simply because the blogger tends to be viewed as self centered and vain. I mean, it's the whole "Look at me and how awesome I am" attitude that many of the best bloggers posses. I am not a vain person, so the idea of writing a blog is rather out of character. But it is something that I've wanted to do in earnest for sometime.

Carly Simon, someone who knew something about those who are vain.

I will make an honest attempt to offer at least one posting a week, talking about any subject that comes to mind. My interests vary, from entertainment, to media, to technology, politics, history, sports, and social areas. I will however make one promise, I will never blog about Math (which can be banished to the darkest corners of hell as far as I am concerned.)

Seriously, why do they make it harder than it needs to be?

I work in the media, and am trying to finish up my degree at the same time, so you can imagine the kind of fodder that can result from such an experience. I hope this is well received, but at the very least, I hope that you come away with some insight into how my mind works, my sense of humor, and how I view the world.


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